Snowman started the topic 1-24-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 1 week ago
*** Fair to Good ***
The groomed trail to the east in nice shape with a decent base. The ungroomed trails have a base and will get groomed. Trails are thin to the west and Marginal from Pt Gibson to Marion. We have a broken axle on the bully and hopefully will have it repaired quickly
Snowman replied to the topic 1-23-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month, 1 week ago
Tucker groomed C4 along 104, S40A south to Butler, and S42/S42C to Skipper’s Landing
Snowman started the topic 1-23-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 1 week ago
*** Marginal to Good ***
Most trails have a 1-to-2-inch base. Eastern end of system has more snow for the groomer to work with and much better conditions. We are grooming and hope to get the southern end by the weekend.
Snowman started the topic 1-23-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month, 1 week ago
PB groomed 104 from the Groomer barn west to rt 88 last night and through Mrion today before the axle broke. Hopefully won’t be down long.
Snowman started the topic 1-22-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 1 week ago
*** Marginal to Good ***
No new snow and most trails are marginal and thin with a 0-to-2-inch base. Trail to the east have more snow for the groomer to work with and a fair to a few spots being good.
Snowman started the topic 1-21-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 1 week ago
*** Marginal to Good ***
You get a full mix. The cold is doing wonders for forming a base. Groomers are out creating a 1 to 3 inch base depending on the amount of snow thye have to work with and it varies throughout the system. Ride it while we got it.
Snowman started the topic 1-21-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month, 1 week ago
Tucker groomed C4 from Northwest side at Williamson junction east to Cayuga County line.
Snowman started the topic 1-21-2025 Groomers are currently out in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month, 1 week ago
Will update what had been done later tonight
Snowman started the topic Groominmg to start tomorrow in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month, 1 week ago
Groomers will be out tomorrow, and we will post where they have been
Jim became a registered member 1 month, 1 week ago
Snowman started the topic 1-20-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 1 week ago
*** Marginal to Fair ***
All trails are open. 4+ inches of new snow on all trails. The trails that were previously open have a 1 to 2 inch base with fresh powder.
Snowman started the topic 1-19-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 1 week ago
*** Marginal ***
We did not lose a lot, and it all refroze into a 0 to 1 inch base. For the sections open it is thin and icy with no loose snow for the sliders. We have snow in the forecast so we will see what happens.
Reopened but still split system on what is open and what is closed. C4 from North end to Brick Schoolhouse Road east to the C…[Read more]
Snowman started the topic 1-18-2025 *** Closed *** in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 2 weeks ago
*** Closed ***
Conditions got too warm and mushy to keep them open.
Snowman replied to the topic 1-16-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1/18/2024 Update: Got an inch or so of wet snow today it should freeze down tonight. Conditions are still marginal only now it is soft. We need more snow.
Snowman started the topic 1-16-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 2 weeks ago
*** MARGINAL ***
We still have a split system on what is open and what is closed. C4 from North end to BrickSchoolhouse road east to the Cayuga County line is open. S42 & S42C from 104/414 parking to Skipper Landing, and S48, S55, S40A are also open. Conditions are thin but rideable. there is better coverage on the east end of the trail sy…[Read more]
Snowman replied to the topic 1-9-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Still the same. Light snow but not enough to make a difference. Please see main post for actual conditions
Snowman started the topic 1-9-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 3 weeks ago
*** Marginal ***
Not enough to run groomers. South areas have had 6+ inches of fluff that has compressed to the minimum of 3″ to ride. C4 along Rt 104, S48 South to Clyde, S55 through Savannah and back north to C4 ( Rt 104) Via S55 & S40A are open with marginal conditions. Hill tops may be blown bare. There are still unfrozen water hol…[Read more]
Snowman replied to the topic 1-7-2025 *** Closed *** in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 3 weeks ago
We got more snow and are evaluating the safety of the trails
Snowman started the topic 1-7-2025 *** Closed *** in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 3 weeks ago
*** Closed ***
The majority of the trails do not have enough snow, and open fields are wind-blown. Adjoining clubs are also closed so you would have a marginal island with horrible conditions and nowhere to go. Here is a picture form 2 PM today just north of the 414/104 park and ride.
Snowman started the topic 1-7-2025 Update in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 3 weeks ago
*** Closed ***
Some areas have the minimum to ride. We are inspecting the trails and making sure that the gates are open.
Once we check we may be opening sections that are rideable.
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