Snowman started the topic 2-4-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Tucker Groomed from the barn east on C4 then north on S42 and back to the barn
Snowman started the topic 2-4-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 3 weeks, 6 days ago
*** Fair ***
Everything firmed back up. We did lose some snow and have a 2 to 3 inch frozen base.
Snowman started the topic February 2025 Meeting in the forum Club Events and Information 4 weeks ago
The February Meeting will be held at Skipper’s Landing 7061 Lake Bluff Rd, Wolcott, NY 14590 on Thursday February 6, 2025, at 7:30 PM.
February 6, 2025, Agenda
Approve Minutes from January 2, 2025
Current Membership: 278
Officer Reports:
- President:
- Treasurer:
- Secretary: Nominations open for all Officers and 6 BoD
Committee Reports:
- …
Snowman started the topic 2-3-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 4 weeks ago
*** POOR ***
Too warm and Mushy. Should get colder tonight and firm back up. It would be wise to not tear them up when soft so the base can hold.
Snowman started the topic 2-2-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 4 weeks, 1 day ago
Tucker Groomed C4 west of the groomer barn and northern trails to Skippers and Riley’s and back to the barn.
Snowman started the topic 2-2-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 4 weeks, 1 day ago
*** Good ***
Majority of the trail system is good with a 3 to 4 inch base. Best trails are east of Rt 88
Snowman started the topic 2-1-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month ago
Tucker groomed C4 form the barn and south on S40A and back. PB100 is still out Grooming S49
Snowman started the topic 2-1-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month ago
*** Fair to Good ***
2 to 3 Inches of heavy new snow on top of a harder frozen 1 to 2 inch base. Groomers will be out making the base which survived yesterday better. West of rt 14 is thinner than east side.
Damien Hennigan became a registered member 1 month ago
Snowman started the topic 1-31-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month ago
*** Marginal *** Wet mushy
Recommend waiting until the rain turns back to snow and it firms back up.
Tomorrow should be better.
Snowman started the topic 1-30-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month ago
*** Fair to Good ***
Same as yesterday.
2 to 4 inch base east of Rt 14. Marginal but improved from Pt Gibson to Marion. Cold temperatures are holding the base well.
Snowman started the topic 1-29-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month ago
Tucker groomed C4 from the groomer barn east to the county line and back. More to come and conditions get better day by day.
Snowman started the topic 1-29-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month ago
Tucker groomed C4 from the groomer barn east to the county line and back. More to come and conditions get better day by day.
Snowman started the topic 1-29-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month ago
We got 2 to 3 inches of heavy wet snow followed by a little rain and more snow. Temps are dropping and groomers are out flattening it before it freezes. We will update later today.
Snowman started the topic 1-28-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month ago
PB 100 is fixed and groomed from Marion on S43A C4, and S49 to Stones
Snowman started the topic 1-28-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month ago
*** Marginal ***
Picked up 2 to 3 inches of fresh snow which improved conditions 1 to 2 inch base on the groomed trails but most are still thin but rideable.
Snowman started the topic 1-27-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month ago
*** Marginal ***
Surprisingly the warmth did not hurt too much today. 1 to 2 inch base held on frozen ground. All trails are thin. We are supposed to get more snow in the next few days which will help a lot.
Snowman started the topic 1-26-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month ago
*** Marginal to Fair ***
Heavy traffic took a toll on the trails. Need more snow for the groomers to do their magic. Trails that have been groomed have a 1-to-2-inch base with thin spots. Trails west of rt 88 Marginal and very thin on frozen ground. Trails south and east are also marginal and thin and could use more snow.
Snowman started the topic 1-26-2025 Groomer Report in the forum Groomer Reports 1 month ago
Yesterday the Tucker groomed all of C4 along 104 and most of the north trails. PB100 is still broken should have the parts Monday.
Snowman started the topic 1-25-2025 Conditions in the forum Trail Conditions 1 month, 1 week ago
*** Fair to Good ***
Yesterday 1 to 4 inches of new snow fell on the entire system more north and east. Groomed trails have a 1-to-3-inch base. The ungroomed trails have a 1-to-2-inch base which is mainly on the southeast trails. Trails are thin to the west and Marginal from Pt Gibson to Marion. The tucker is out grooming the northeast trails a…[Read more]
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