Outthere2's profile was updated 4 years, 1 month ago
Outthere2 replied to the topic in the forum Outthere2 8 years ago
Huron along the lake this morning to give you an idea of how much snow amounts vary.
Outthere2 replied to the topic in the forum Outthere2 8 years ago
There is less as you go North of the village of Wolcott, maybe 3″ in North Wolcott area, didn’t need to brush car off at 5 this morning. Higher snow amounts from village South. Port Byron had 12″+ at 5:30 this morning and still coming down hard.
Outthere2 started the topic in the forum 8 years ago
Anything that could be considered a base/trail is gone now. Crazy how fast rain and wind can melt the snow away.
Outthere2 replied to the topic in the forum Outthere2 8 years ago
I know how a groomer and drag operate, still seams like a waste of fuel and wear on the set up to drive it on no snow or minimal snow and a real waste to drive it down the road. Hiring a truck to move it would have been the better option, or leave it until there was definitely enough snow to groom to its winter location.
Outthere2's profile was updated 8 years ago
Outthere2 replied to the topic in the forum Outthere2 8 years ago
So if it was worthless why did they continue to groom the whole way? I noticed the tracks near Quarry road and though, no that can’t be the groomer that went thru, I can see the grass.
Outthere2 became a registered member 8 years, 1 month ago