Lakeshore Riders Snowmobile Club Annual Open House
February 8, 2020 11 am to 4 pm at the Groomer Barn. Address: 5568 Fifth Rd. North Rose, NY 14516 (Corner of Route 104 and Fifth Rd.)
This is also our first annual Neighboring Snowmobile Club Invitational.
• Check out our newly finished Groomer Barn. Neighboring clubs are invited to display their groomer(s) and set up a table inside to promote their club and trails.
• There will be a fun friendly cornhole competition with prizes for competing Clubs. We may even have a “Corny” trophy for the winning club to take home for bragging rights for the year!
We will have free food while it lasts, a club ride (pending conditions), 50/50 raffle, photo contest, Grill Raffle at 4 pm. After 5 pm, all are welcome to bring a dish (outlets are available for crock pots) and drink to pass for our Bonfire. Bring a chair so you can sit around the fire and tell funny stories or discuss with other clubs’ ideas to help build our sport for the future. Hope to see you there
Please click here to contact us by secure email if you have any questions