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October 1, 2024 at 7:40 pm #131026
SnowmanKeymasterSeptember 5, 2024, Annual Meeting Minutes
11 voting members were present.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM
April 4, 2024, minutes were accepted with no changes.
President/Vice President Report: Phase II grant TRP paperwork is all set except for Clyde Village. Need an updated list of all TRP paperwork to be signed over the summer by the April 2025 meeting
Treasures Report:
- Current Membership as of September meeting: 68.
- Previous Balance $22,645.07.
- Current Balance $14,534.53.
- Groomer Fund (Savings) $36,869.22.
- Expenses of $17,812.99 and Deposits of $9,702.45.
- Total Funds: $51,403.75.
Secretary Report: A By-Law change proposal was presented (see end of minutes). To be discussed and voted on at the October 3rd meeting.
Trail Projects:
- Mudge Creek – Contractor quotes was tabled to October to be presented by Bryan.
- The motion from April to level and grade rough spots on C4 along 104 in August with a dozer not to exceed $3,000 was not completed and tabled to October Meeting.
Groomer Committee Report:
- Need update from Rich on the old Erie club roller that may be available for our use.
- Need Logbooks put in each Groomer to minimally log Beginning and Ending Hours on each machine for auditing. PB start hrs. 1943.8, Tucker start hrs. 2902.7
- A motion was made by John and seconded by Jeremy for $200 to be sent to the 2025 Super Raffle as a prize donation from Lakeshore Riders. Motion unanimously carried.
- Water project not to exceed $3,000, needs to be run to south-west corner of building. Pex pipe needs to be run inside to boiler room where we need to complete the restroom. Still need a new toilet installed. A new sink has been donated. Need volunteers to install.
- 501(c)(3) status –Resubmitted the long form. Expect response in October or November.
- Fender flares are not yet installed on UTV. Ted needs a volunteer to assist him.
- Report form the ATV/UTV committee: Presentation to RG&E for use of hojack trail. They were not interested but the towns are on board but need to look into road crossing permits.
- Need to get more people to help.
- Andy donated a bulk quantity of fasteners for us to use. Also, he asked if we could do a benefit ride in his son’s memory who passed this pas year. We will make details as the season progresses.
Proposed By-Law Amendments:
#1. Proposed amendment
Current Article 4, Section 6 – Hiring of Work or Services/Purchasing of Materials
When the club votes on needed materials and/or work and/or services needed to complete a task, job, or project, the club will first seek to secure materials and/or work and/or services to accomplish the task, job, or project with volunteer donations first. If said need is not able to be accomplished via all attempts to secure a volunteer solution or for a reason of urgency is required outside the normal circumstances, the next step will be to secure help within the club network or resources. That club resource will propose a clear rate for labor/services or equipment and provide a total estimate for the task, job, or project to be completed in writing or e-mail. The estimate will need approval of the committee and board based on Section 5 above regarding spending limits. If project overages occur, the committee must report to the board as soon as possible the overage issue and the board will either vote to approve the overage, based on the circumstances, or ask to have a negotiation with the service or material provider so an agreement can be settled.
Propose adding at end of Section 6: A conflict-of-interest form must be on record for any club member that will be bidding on paid services that the club votes on. Said member may not be part of the bid reviews and may not be present during the vote to approve a contract. Any questions regarding a bid from a club member for a project must be answered before discussion, review, and voting for funds.
#2. Proposed amendment
Current Article 7, Section 2 – Annual Year End Review Meeting
The Annual Year End Review Meeting of the club shall be held to coincide with the normal April meeting at the beginning of the fiscal year calendar. Election results will be announced by the secretary, and transfer of Officers and Board of Directors will occur with outgoing and incoming positions. During this meeting a full detailed financial review of the past year will be conducted by the Treasurer. A general review of off-season needs for the coming year will be discussed. Written notice of the time and place of the Annual Year End Review Meeting shall be prepared and distributed to the membership by the secretary at least ten (10) days prior to this meeting and e-mailed according to the membership application. It is the members’ responsibility to notify the secretary of any changes of address. A quorum of the Board of Directors is required. See Article 7 Section 7. and if any voting is needed to act, a quorum must be present. If needed a special meeting can be planned per Article 7, Section 3 for future votes that need to take place between this meeting and the General Membership September Meeting.
Propose: changing the word in bold above from April to May.
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