May 4, 2023, Minutes
9 Present.
Meeting called to order at 7:50 PM
Yearend summary April minutes and any minutes from any special summer meetings will be approved at September meeting.
Treasures Report:
- Final 2022-23 membership 276.
- Previous Balance $15,838.31.
- Current Balance $24,848.55 plus $24,097.54 reserve for groomer fund.
- Expenses of $0.00 and Deposits of $9,010.24.
- Overall activity of $63,158.33 Deposits and $90,939.26 for a negative net of -$27,780.93
Trail Projects:
- Mudge Creek – We have all the permits and the CE-200 completed
- Stumps on S49 west of Rt88 have not been removed. Jared will take care of them after logging is complete.
- Need to repair moguls on 104 (C4).
- Area of Countryman Rd being added back to 3 year plan. Land was just logged and may be able to use owner’s land.
- May need reroutes at Richardson Road in Wolcott.
- Smith Road is flooding and debris jamming up.
- C4 in Arcadia along Hydesville Rd at Red Creek may need a bridge.
- S48 through Yarrows property needs to be looked at for a possible reroute. Jeremy and Bryan will talk to the landowner and get more information.
- S43 in Walworth has a new house on the Webster side which may cuts off continuation of the trail. Mike is contacting Webster for a reroute if needed.
- S40A by Reed Road is getting a culvert to replace a bridge. The town of Butler has fill to cover the culvert.
- Jeremy to confirm actual coverage for of the new insurance.
- Motion presented by Bryan, seconded by Dale to spend up to $2000 for bulk sign NYSSA order. Motion unanimously approved.
- Groomer committee to be looking into a Class A tracked tractor for grooming and other trail activities. They are also looking into a packer for the groomers.
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