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March 6, 2016 at 2:40 pm #391
SnowmanKeymasterMarch 3, 2016 Minutes
17 present
February 4, 2016 Minutes Approved with the below correction
- Correction from February minutes moved the meeting to the Normandy Inn in Sodus not the American Legion in Marion
- Treasures Report:
- Current Balance $64799 with an outstanding check to TC Riders for the drag. Balance stands at $55,799
- $1,700 in income
- $1,690 in expenses
- $1,479 payment was made on the new groomer 59 payments remain.
- Still have $300 in outstanding bills.
- We roughly stand at 65% of our expenses for labor, grooming, and trail expenses
- Current membership stands at 421.
- Trails:
- Trails are being mapped by GPS and should be complete by April 1st.
- C4 from the Cayuga County line to WAYN31 including S55B from WAYN 305 to the bridge at the Port Byron section.
- S48 from WAYN31 south through WAYN205 to WAYN206.
- S55 east through Clyde and Savannah
- North from Savannah on the new proposed trail from Savannah to the Cottage Inn.
- Groomers:
- Tucker has groomed roughly 43 hrs
- Bell and LMC have run approximately 20 hrs
- Full reports should be available by next meeting.
- The tucker has a mechanical failure in a transfer case. Our seller is standing behind it and we are waiting for their response on what they would like to do to repair it.
- We will be coordinating schedules next year with groomer drivers and the Trail Coordinator to keep all the groomers grooming as much as possible.
- Groomer Barn Committee Report:
- Dimensions for the new barn will be 42’x64’x12’
- There will be 2 doors in front and a roughed in door in the rear for future addition
- Have four quotes ranging from $24k to $29k for an erected shell with 2 doors and another for $23k, material only.
- Need a bit more site work to complete the grade.
- RG&E was contacted for electric and Natural Gas.
- Electric is $3k to run service to a pole. We can then go underground at our expense to complete the service to the barn.
- We are awaiting RG&E to do a study at the refundable cost of $600 to get Natural Gas run to the building.
- 501(c)(3) status:
- New budget has been submitted
- Process is moving along and will be updated again after response from the submitted budget.
- Miscellaneous:
- A summary of what was accomplished this year in spite of a terrible snow season.
- Rerouted approximately 8+ miles of trails in addition to the 10 to 15 miles last year.
- Created and deployed a new Website and Facebook page.
- Purchased a newer groomer with drag and sold the New Holland
- Created and set up Kiosks (maps to be available next season) and Mile maker signs.
- In process of constructing a groomer barn for summer storage and maintenance.
- A special recognition was made to Dave VanDerlinde for all the work he does behind the scene. There is a lot of work that is being done with the 501(c)(3), the merger of the three clubs from Clyde, Marion, and Red Creek, and keeping all the paperwork that comes from the state in order.
- A motion was passed for the Secretary to compose a letter to Darlene Lambardo giving her the support of Lakeshore Riders Inc. to represent Wayne County at the State level. Also approved to include in the letter will be the request to change their Wayne County Federation nomenclature when they putting out trail reports for the Williamson portion of the trail system. There is much confusion when they close their trails as “The Federation” and ours are open. Snow cover varies greatly in Wayne County and conditions are reported by the responsible clubs.
- April 7th meeting will be announced through a member email.
- A summary of what was accomplished this year in spite of a terrible snow season.
- New Building Fundraiser:
- We will be having a building fundraiser by selling NYSSA 2016 Super Raffle Tickets. Each ticket is 5$ and we keep 50% of the proceeds.
- We will be mailing 10 tickets to all club members for them to purchase or sell.
- We will need volunteers to help stuff envelopes and letters at 7 PM Thursday March 24 2016 at the Normandy Inn. Pizza will be provided for all volunteers.
- Please email us for more information.
- Elections:
- A motion was passed to increase the Board of Directors from four (4) to six (6) positions.
- A motion was passed to create a non-voting position of Trail Coordinator.
- Duties include primary contact to the state level coordinator.
- Coordinates all trail operations and work parties.
- Coordinates schedules with groomer captains.
- A motion was passed to create a non-voting position of Webmaster.
- Duties include maintaining Website and Facebook page
- Recording meeting minutes and publishing them within 1 week after the meeting, and officer approval.
- Maintaining the email address links and delegated administrators of the Lakeshore Riders Inc. WebSite, Email And Facebook Systems.
- The following is the results of the election all positions are a 1 year commitment:
- President: Todd Furber
- Vice President: Jason Hosbach
- Treasurer/Secretary: Dave VanDerlinde
- Board of Directors:
- Mike Means, Jared Hillegeer, Mike Murphy, Todd Lupo, Cameron Wilson, Rich Rice.
- Webmaster: John Renahan
- Trail Coordinator: Bryan Klekota
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