March 2015 NYSSA Monthly Meeting Report

Lakeshore Riders Forums Newsletters & Minutes March 2015 NYSSA Monthly Meeting Report

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    What’s Been Happening at NYSSA.

    From the Desk of the New York State Snowmobile Association Secretary March 2015 Edition
    By: Rosanne Warner, NYSSA Secretary,

    The New York State Snowmobile Association is working to keep its members better informed of the
    issues that NYSSA faces on a daily basis.
    Hot off the presses here is a re-cap of what happened at the March 7, 2015 NYSSA Board of
    Directors meeting.

    NYSSA Board of Director Meeting Schedule
     April 4, 2015 – Canceled
     May 2, 2015 – The Rusty Rail, Route 5, Canastota, New York
     June 2015 – No Meeting
     July 18, 2015 – The Rusty Rail, Route 5, Canastota, New York
     August 2015 – No Meeting
     September 5, 2015 – Location to be Announced
     October 3, 2015 – Location to be Announced
     November 7, 2015 – Location to be Announced
     December 5, 2015 – Location to be Announced

    Membership Dues Increase
    A membership dues increase has been proposed and will go to the Delegates at the 2015 Annual
    Meeting at the Rochester Convention Center, April 12, 2015. The proposal is for a $5 increase to
    the membership dues with $4.00 going to the club selling the membership and $1.00 will go to fund

    New GPS Submissions Announced
    GPS submission has been decided by the New York State OPRHP Snowmobile Unit. GPS data collected
    prior to January 2011 will be required to be updated. GPS data submissions will be required every
    three (3) years.

    Parks Proposal
    As of June 1, 2016 (expected 16-17 Phase I due date), all trails must have GPS data no older than
    January 1, 2011.
    As of June 1 2020 (expected 2020-2021 Phase I due date), all trails must have GPS data no older
    than January 1, 2017.

    Thereafter, each and every trail must have GPS data no more than three years old. This gives clubs
    over a year from the expected release of the 2015-2016 grant documentation in April of 2015 to
    prepare for the 2016 deadline, and 3+ years to prepare for the 2020 deadline. After the 2020
    deadline, every trail would be required to be gps’d at least every three years. It is recommended
    that clubs stagger their GPS efforts beginning in 2017 so they are not collecting data for all of
    their trails in the same year.
    Please note that our requirement for any newly proposed trails or re-routes to be gps’d in the
    grant year they are proposed.

    March 2015 – Secretary’s Report

    Snowmobile Registrations
    As of 3/7/2015 snowmobile registrations in New York State was 120,163 snowmobiles. That is
    wonderful news for the trail fund.

    NYSSA Membership
    As of 3/7/2015 NYSSA Membership was 61,238.

    Nilico Mailing
    A mailing will be sent out by NYSSA on behalf of Nilico Insurance to every member that has not
    opted out of receiving communications from NYSSA and its business members.

    Legislative Gazette
    NYSSA will be doing an insert in the March edition of the Legislative Gazette. Advertisements were
    sold to pay for the publication and the insert will be included in the Legislative Gazette which is
    read by all legislators in Albany. NYSSA will receive 1,500 extra copies to distribute throughout
    the state.

    NYSSA Forum
    The Forum will be held on April 10, 11 & 12th in Rochester, NY. Registration is still open and
    can be booked at the Rochester Hilton. There are many new classes that will be presented on
     GPS for Beginners
     Snowmobile Youth Safety Class
     Volunteer Round Table
     Social Media/How Clubs Can Improve Communication
     Youth in Snowmobiling
     All About Permits (DEC, Parks, Health Dept., Dig Safe, DOT)
     501(c)3 What you need to know
     Basic Snowmobile Maintenance
     Women in Snowmobiling
     Club and Membership Relations
     Plus Many More

    Groomer Rate Recommendation
    The NYSSA Trail and Funding Committee has made recommendations to OPRHP for Groomer Rates. These
    rates are only recommendations and have not been adopted by the OPRHP Snowmobile Unit.

    Groomer Classification recommendations:
    Class A: Generally over 150hp with 8′ drag widths minimum
    Class B: Generally less than 150hp with 7′-8′ drag widths
    Class C: Generally less than 80hp with 4′-7′ drag widths
    Class D: Snowmobiles/ATV/UTV and equipment comparable to these regardless of drag width

    *Class A –
    Bombardier-160,180, 250 ME, 350ME, ME PLUS
    PB- 100,200,230, 240, 260, 270, 300 Bully, Trail Bully
    Tucker- 2000’s only
    Tracked Tractors- 110hp + Case Puma 145 NH TS 110 NH TM130 TM 134 TM 115 7740 Kubota
    LMC- 1800’s, 3700’s
    Thikol- 2100’s 165hp Prinoth- Husky TG176hp Marcel MXM 140
    VMC 04W 174 HP

    *Class B- roughly less than 150hp
    Bombardier- 110, 60, 200,252
    PB- 130, 150
    Tucker- any model other than a 2000 or 442
    Tracked Tractors- 65hp-109hp JD 6400 CAT MT 535B Kubota 126 Puma 230 Kubota H126 (half-track) ASV-
    other than track truck all DX4539 DX4530
    Trail Boss- All
    Full Size Pickup conversion- All
    Gilberts- All
    VMC RT-01 105 hp
    Trail Boss -110hp Diesel
    ASG- All unless Larry Synder can identify. Bell- TC 110
    Prinoth- Trooper

    *Class C- Less than 80HP
    Bombardier- 100, bombi, muskeg, 100+, JW 70 & 71, SW 48, JW 73
    PB- 60
    Tucker -442A
    Tracked Tractors- less than 65hp TC 45 Kubota L5740
    Track trucks- All 2800, 8600
    Cushman- All
    SUV/truck conversions- All
    Thikol 1450 56hp, IMP 1400-1402 30 hp, 1200’s
    Centaur 954DT
    ASV- Scout 50 HP

    *Class D-
    All snowmobiles, UTV’s (Bobcat CT450) Arctic cat Prowler, Kubota 900 & 1100 UTV’s, Polaris Ranger,
    Kawasaki Mule, Yamaha Rhino, John Deere Gator 825I & 850I, ATV with tracks.

    Using the fact that repairs are no longer allowed as per Parks’ rules, the trails committee
    reviewed and
    recommends to parks the following rate:
    Usage Flat Rate
    A $ 180/hour
    B $ 128/hour
    C $ 52/hour
    D $ 21/hour

    The above figures do NOT include labor. These figures were realized by the Trails Committee using
    only operational costs associated with these specialized pieces of grooming equipment that are not
    used in other applications to recoup the money that is invested.

    NYSSA Officers
    The nominations received for NYSSA Officers to be voted on at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, April
    12, 2015 are as follows:
    President – Jim Elmore
    VP – Craig LaPlante
    Secretary – Rosanne Warner
    Treasurer – John Occhino

    Clean Sled Challenge
    Once again, NYSSA will be donating $500.00 each to Rochester Institute of Technology, University of
    Buffalo and Clarkson University for the 2015 Clean Sled Challenge which is already underway. Good
    luck to all of our New York State schools who are competing.

    Annual Charity Auction
    Raffle Baskets are needed for the Annual Charity Auction. Clubs and Associations are asked to
    donate baskets and items for the raffle. The proceeds go to help fund the Pink Ribbon Riders, the
    USO and Easter Seals. Please help support these worth-while charities by donating to the auction.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Snowman.
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