March 2015 Minutes

Lakeshore Riders Forums Newsletters & Minutes March 2015 Minutes

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    March 5, 2015 Minutes

    25 present

    Minutes from 2/5/15 approved

     Treasures Report:
     Fund balance $26,197
     Fuel costs, goomer repairs, taxes total approximately $6,700 leaving about $19,500
     Expenses for the LMC were more than first anticipated.

     Trails:
     Keeping them opened with new orchard fencing is going to be a challenge in the future. We have a successful reroute of C4 at WN31 north of Brickschoolhouse Rd to WN35, and S48 south to WN 52
     We are still looking at getting the sign boards with the maps at each junction.
     We had to officially close a portion of C4 from Port Gibson to Marion. It can still be accessed by road but is not signed until we clear some landowner approvals.

     Groomers:
     Groomers have been showing their age. We have managed to keep them running, but they are really in need of being replaced.
     The New Holland and Yellow Canaltown groomers are for sale.
     2 Canal town groomers have also had some repair work needed as well.
    We will be looking at scheduling grooming times next year to keep them running as much as possible.
     Grant is in the works for a new groomer. Submission will take place April 1st
    The following is needed to apply for the grant. Any help especially with #10 is really needed Email us with any information:
    1. Club Bylaws
    2. Certificate of Good Standing from local state
    3. Duns & Bradstreet Number
    4. Club Officers names & Addresses
    5. Letter of Support from Club Directors
    6. Club mailing address
    7. New Groomer Proposal
    8. Existing Groomer Unit Information (Year, Make, Model)
    9. Grooming Area- Towns, miles of trail
    10. Listing of local businesses served by trail system
    11. Club Logo
    12. Groomer Operator�s- Names, years of experience
    13. Business Survey- To show economic impact

     501 3c status:
     Continuing the paperwork for new corporation to form new club Lakeshore Riders as a non-profit organization.

     Club house:
     All prep work is complete and construction could be started in the spring.

     Elections:
     Lakeshore Snowdevils
     Board of Directors: Jason Hosback, Ted Reppi, Rich Rice, and Paul Helfer
     President: Todd Furber
     Vice President: Bryan Klekota
     Treasurer/Secretary: David Vanderlinde

     Lakeshore Riders
     Board of Directors: Bryan Klekota, Ted Reppi, Rich Rice, and Paul Helfer
     President: Todd Furber
     Vice President: Jason Hosbach
     Treasurer/Secretary: David Vanderlinde

     Miscellaneous:
     Special thanks to all who have been grooming and repairing the groomers. Especially like to thank Todd, Mark, Chuck, Todd, Dusty, Jason, and Josh.

     NYSSA 2015 Super Raffle Tickets:
     We have the 2015 Super Raffle Tickets. We will be making a Sticky forum post for those that would like to purchase and sell the tickets. You can contact us at if you�d like to buy/sell tickets for our club.
     This is a major fundraiser for our club. Tickets are $5 each

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Snowman.
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