January 2, 2025, Meeting Minutes
15 voting members were present.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by President.
December 5, 2024, minutes were accepted with no changes.
Treasures Report:
- Current Membership as of January meeting: 195.
- Previous Balance $16,927.98.
- Current Balance $54,751.11.
- Groomer Fund (Savings) $42,245.80.
- Expenses of $3,510.72 and Deposits of $41,333.85. Includes 70% Trail Fund $39,030.60.
- Total Funds: $96,996.91.
Trail Projects:
- Mudge Creek –DOT replied with a list of requirements that we are reviewing to start in the spring.
- Fuel tank filled. Will determine later if Marion tanks needs to be filled.
Groomer Committee Report:
- New GPS units tested and operational.
- Fuel leak on the PB was fixed.
- Tucker has a front differential leak that needs to be repaired
- PB needs hub rebuilt with bearing.
- Want to plan a cookout at the barn in February with ride for Andy’s son.
- Mike is going to get quotes for pressure washer for the barn.
- Components for the hot water are in. Need to install.
- 501(c)(3) status: Waiting on the government response.
- Ted to get quotes for doors for the trail maintenance UTV.
- EOY check list for Phase III grant needs to be compiled.
- Andy and Dale are putting together a plan for volunteer recruitment. To incorporate the December motion to give free membership with 8 hrs of trail work with trail captain.
- Discussed for the groomer committee to look at tractor with tracks for grooming and multi-purpose like brush hogging off season.