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March 3, 2025 at 9:27 pm #131173
SnowmanKeymasterFebruary 6, 2025, Meeting Minutes
15 voting members were present.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by President.
January 2, 2025, minutes were accepted with no changes.
Treasures Report:
- Current Membership as of January meeting: 292.
- Previous Balance $54,751.11.
- Current Balance $50,153.24.
- Groomer Fund (Savings) $44,182.66.
- Expenses of $6,100.96 and Deposits of $1,503.09.
- Total Funds: $94,335.90.
Trail Projects:
- Mudge Creek –Continuing to move forward. DOT engineers to meet with our engineers in the next few weeks.
- A large willow tree needs to be removed by Owls Nest. Mike will head up effort to remove.
- Landowner at Podger Rd would like gates put up and to clear some trees. A motion was made by Ted and seconded by Andy to spend no more than $1000 to install gates and clear trees. Motion was unanimously approved.
Groomer Committee Report:
- A request was made to set aside $9K for a new tucker track. After discussion we can try the repair Bryan found on some of the existing used ones. We can check again at the end of the season to see if the price comes down.
- PB axle was replaced. Going to try to fix the old one for a spare.
- The committee is looking for a tractor to groom south trails. Jarad brought a quote as an example. Tractor and Drag was determined to be in the budget at 100K.
- Jared is going to hold a groomer training session on 2/16/25.
- Jeremy to look into fleet cards for the groomers.
- 501(c)(3) status: A reporting error was made by the IRS. We were granted 501(c)(3) status retroactive to October. We need to check with taxing agencies to see if we can get taxes waived. A motion was made by Ted and seconded by Jeremy to retain the accountant, Michelle, to do our taxes for no more than $700 annually. Motion unanimously approved.
- Andy is planning a cookout February 22 at the barn with ride in memory of his son.
- Mike got quotes for pressure washer. Motion was made by Jeremy and seconded by Mike to spend no more than $2000 for a 3KPSI pressure washer. Unanimously approved.
- Hot water was installed in the barn.
- Ted to get quotes for doors for the trail maintenance UTV. The cost was 4K for Hard and 2K for soft. After discussion there was not enough to agree on a purchase.
- EOY check list for Phase III grant needs to be compiled.
- Andy and Dale are putting together a plan for volunteer recruitment. To incorporate the December motion to give free membership with 8 hrs of trail work with trail captain. John to give them member list contact information.
- Elections are in March. The 4 officer positions and 6 of the 7 BoD positions are open for nominations. So far only current position holders have agreed to run again. Todd L, Dale D have been nominated for BoD and accepted the nomination which will be a 2 year commitment.
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