February 7, 2019 Minutes
21 present
January 3, 2019 Minutes approved
- Treasures Report:
- Current Membership 370
- Current balance is $32025 includes $4500 reserved in groomer fund.
- Last year’s 30% trail funds have been approved but not yet released.
- Trails:
- RR tracks along C4 have been resigned
- Exploring a possible three mile connection between S55 east to Conquest S55B.
- Need to form a committee to look at repairing C4 between Countryman Road and Ridge Road.
- Groomers:
- LMC threw a track and has been repaired
- All groomers are operational.
- Groomer Barn:
- A motion was approved to spend up to $12000 for heat, electric, and insulation in the barn.
- Miscellaneous:
- Thank you to all who volunteered and participated in the Poker Run to make it a success
- Super Raffle tickets are available for purchase. Contact us via email if you would like to purchase some.
- Open House February 16th at the groomer barn starting at 2 PM.
- Elections will be held at the March 7th meeting
- Officer position include: President, 1st and 2nd vice presidents, and treasurer/secretary.
- 7 Board of Directors
- Non-voting positions: Trail Coordinator, Groomer Captains (3), and web Master.
If interested in any of the positions email us or come to the March 7th meeting
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