April 2023 Minutes

Lakeshore Riders Forums Newsletters & Minutes April 2023 Minutes

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  • #130759


    April 13, 2023, Minutes

    10 Present.

    Meeting called to order at 7:50 PM


    March 2, 2023, minutes were accepted with no changes.


    President/Vice President Report:

    Treasures Report:

    • Current membership 4. Final 2022-23 membership 276.
    • Previous Balance $25,878.47.
    • Current Balance $16,680.38 plus $24,097.54 reserve for groomer fund.
    • Expenses of $9,354.09 and Deposits of $156.00.

    Trail Projects:

    • Mudge Creek – Changed to a retaining wall on top of the existing DOT culverts.
      • We need to get Accord 855 filled out and submit to get the permits for the project.
    • Stumps on S49 west of Rt88 have not been removed. Jared will take care of them after logging is complete.
      • Motion to strike a previous motion to spend $800 to have an outside company remove the stumps was made by Ted, seconded by Jared, and unanimously passed.
    • All trails that were needed to have new GPS data have been completed and metadata has been turned in to the county.
    • S48 through Yarrows property needs to be looked at for a possible reroute. Jeremy and Bryan will talk to the landowner and get more information.
    • S43 in Walworth has a new house on the Webster side which may cuts off continuation of the trail. Mike is contacting Webster for a reroute if needed.
    • S40A by Reed Road is getting a culvert to replace a bridge. The town of Butler has fill to cover the culvert.

    Groomer Committee Report:

    • Jared is going to load test the groomer batteries and replace them if needed.
    • Jason will replace a bogie wheel on the Tucker and look at the light bar that is inoperable.
    • Tucker Orion GPS needs to be relocated so that the new 5G signal is not so shielded.
    • Groomer committee looking into a roller for packing trails and drag mounted sickle bar.
    • Discussion of painting the Marcell Drag.
    • PB100 needs the roof escape hatch repaired.


    • Town water project got pushed back and water will not be available until late 2023 to early 2024. Restroom still needs to be completed along with a sink.  We still need volunteer(s) to install and plumb the toilet and sink.
    • 501(c)(3) status –Most of the financial data has been finalized. Steve will get the final information to Ted for the Lawyers.
    • Dale is heading up a project to assist with the recovery of the fuel tax used offroad for club reimbursement.
    • Bryan is contacting RG&E to shut off the Gas and turn back on in October.
    • Bylaw committee has formed to include Ted, John, Bryan, and Steve, to review and bring any changes to the regular September meeting.
    • A motion was made by Ted, and seconded by Mike, to approve a donation of $200 to NYSSA Super Raffle FOR 2024. The motion was unanimously approved.
    • Recommendation were brough up to investigate fender flares for the UTV. Ted will check into the cost and feasibility.
    • A suggestion was made and agreed to for one more meeting to recap the year. The meeting will be May 4, 2023.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Snowman.
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