April 7, 2017 Minutes
18 present
March 2, 2017 Minutes Approved.
- Treasures Report:
- Membership for the 2016/17 season 397
- Current adjusted balance including outstanding checks is $13172.
- Please make sure that all trail work hours get submitted as soon as the work is completed. We have 60 days after the work to submit it to the state otherwise we cannot claim it.
- Trails:
- GPS maps of the trails need to be done when we take the signs down
- We are looking to take the signs down on Saturday April 15th. Meet at the groomer barn at 8 AM. Bring 4 wheelers.
- When the signs are pulled please be sure that all advertising signs get returned to the groomer barn. They all need to be in one spot. This will help for next seasons advertising.
- Need to get the gate install on the east side of Chimney Bluffs State Park.
- Groomers:
- All groomers need to be pressure washed and prepared for summer storage.
- Need to get the diesel stabile and anti-bacteria added to the fuel tanks.
- Need store the groomers so that the tracks are off the ground.
- Groomer Barn:
- Due to the lower funding for the trail miles due to temporary trail closures last year we will not be able to put the floor in to the barn this summer.
- 501(c)(3) status:
- In the final stages of being complete. Still in the lawyers hands and waiting for further information.
- Raffle Tickets:
- We need all raffle tickets returned to the Lyons office by April 25th.
This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by